Contractor Management

How to convert your independent contractor agreement to a full-time opportunity?

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How to convert your independent contractor agreement to a full-time opportunity?
Written by
Mayank Bhutoria,
June 13, 2024

Key Takeaways

Navigating the landscape of talent acquisition and management is a nuanced affair for employers, especially when deciding whether to keep independent contractors or transition them to full-time employees. 

This pivotal choice impacts your operational efficiency and has far-reaching implications for your company culture, financial planning, and legal standing. 

If you contemplate this strategic move, you're in the right place. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the benefits, signs to watch for, and the procedural steps to seamlessly convert your independent contractors into full-time employees.

What’s the benefit for employers in converting independent contractors to employees?

As you weigh the pros and cons of this strategic move, understanding the benefits can tip the scales in favor of conversion. Here are some compelling advantages that make this transition a win-win for employers:

Greater control over work

  • Quality assurance: Full-time employees are more likely to be invested in the company's success, leading to higher quality work.
  • Streamlined communication: Being in-house allows for quicker decision-making and problem-solving.

Enhanced team cohesion

  • Cultural fit: Full-time employees are more likely to adapt to and propagate company culture.
  • Collaborative synergy: In-house teams often find collaborating easier, leading to innovative solutions.

Financial Incentives

  • Reduced turnover costs: The cost of hiring and training new contractors can add up; full-time employees tend to have longer tenures.
  • Bulk benefits: Offering benefits like health care to more employees can often be more cost-effective.

Intellectual Property Protection

  • Non-Disclosure Agreements: Full-time employees are often required to sign NDAs, offering an extra layer of protection.
  • Ownership clarity: Work produced by employees is clearly owned by the company, reducing potential disputes.

Compliance and Legal Benefits

  • Simplified taxation: Managing taxes is often simpler for full-time employees, reducing administrative burdens.
  • Reduced legal risks: Employment laws are generally better established for full-time employment, reducing the risk of legal issues.

Read more: Hire Independent Contractors

5 signs you should extend a full-time offer to your independent contractor

As businesses strive for agility and cost-efficiency, the role of independent contractors has expanded beyond traditional boundaries. However, there comes a point when the value and contributions of a contractor align so closely with your organization's core objectives that a more permanent arrangement seems beneficial for both parties. 

Here’s what employers should weigh before extending a full-time offer to an independent contractor: 

Quality of work as a benchmark

The first and foremost indicator that your Independent Contractor (IC) might be a good fit for a full-time position is the quality of their work. 

If the contractor consistently exceeds expectations and delivers exceptional results, it's a strong sign that they are aligned with your company's goals and culture. High-quality work reflects well on your business and suggests that the contractor is invested in your success.

Core business function involvement

Another crucial factor to consider is the contractor's role in your core business functions. It might be time to bring them in-house if they are deeply involved in essential operations or strategic projects. 

Contractors who are integral to your business are not just service providers but partners in your success. Keeping such a valuable asset in an outsourced position could be a missed opportunity for growth.

Long-term project commitment

Contractors engaged in long-term projects are often already well-integrated into your company culture and operational flow. Their sustained involvement usually means they are familiar with your systems, team dynamics, and expectations. This familiarity can make transitioning to a full-time role smoother and more efficient, reducing onboarding time and costs.

Financial feasibility

While hiring contractors may seem cost-effective in the short term, conducting a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis for the long run is essential. Factors like benefits, taxes, and long-term project involvement can tip the scales in favor of full-time employment. Extending a full-time offer could be a financially sound decision if the numbers add up.

Mutual interest in long-term association

Last but not least, consider the contractor's interest in a long-term relationship with your company. A mutual vision for a prolonged professional association often indicates future commitment and job satisfaction. When both parties see long-term potential, transitioning from contract to full-time work is usually smoother and more successful.

How to convert your contractors to full-time employees with Gloroots?

The flexibility to adapt your workforce is often fraught with complexities, from legal compliance to administrative burdens. This is where Gloroots comes into play, offering a seamless, hassle-free transition experience that sets us apart from competitors. 

Let's explore the steps to convert a contractor into an employee and how Gloroots can be your partner at every phase. 

Worker classification

Worker classification is the cornerstone of any employment transition. Misclassifying an independent contractor as an employee or vice versa can lead to legal repercussions and financial penalties. Gloroots offers an AI-powered classification tool that ensures you fully comply with employment laws. To help you proceed with the transition smoothly, Gloroots also helps you file Form SS-8 with the IRS to determine your employee status. 

Notifying the worker

Written communication is essential when you’re converting a contractor to a full-time employee. It sets the stage for a smooth transition, and in case your company is audited in the future, there’s a physical record in place to avoid any discrepancies. Gloroots provides customizable communication templates that are legally vetted and emotionally intelligent, ensuring that you maintain professionalism throughout the transition.

Collating employee documents

To legally convert independent contractors to employees as per the IRS guidelines, you may require the following documents: 

  • Offer letter
  • Signed employee handbook
  • Insurance enrollment forms (if applicable)
  • Company property checklist
  • Other State and Federal forms

With Gloroots’ Employer of Record, you can roll out all the important documents via a single dashboard and track the employee onboarding process. 

Read more: Guide to Contractor Onboarding

Adjusting pay & benefits 

A fair and competitive compensation package is crucial for retaining talent and ensuring a smooth transition from a contractor to a full-time role. 

Suppose you’re struggling to track payroll and juggle different employee benefits programs. In that case, Gloroots offers an extensive payroll and benefits management suite that can tailor your employee wages and benefits programs to country-specific, customized packages. Organize, engage, and pay distributed employees from a single platform. 

Form W-2

Tax compliance is a significant aspect that differentiates an independent contractor from a full-time employee. Incorrect filing can lead to severe penalties. Gloroots automates the entire tax filing process, from issuing Form W-2 to registering the employee for taxes, ensuring that you always comply with the IRS guidelines.

Transitioning a contractor to a full-time employee is more than just a change in employment status; it's a strategic business decision. Gloroots not only simplifies each step of this complex process but also adds value by ensuring legal compliance, effective communication, fair compensation and benefits. 

Choose Gloroots for a seamless, efficient, and compliant transition experience.


1. What are the legal implications of changing from independent contractors to employees?

The legal implications can be significant, ranging from tax liabilities to employment benefits. Employers must ensure that they comply with federal and state employment laws, including tax withholdings, benefits, and worker's compensation. Failure to do so can result in penalties and legal action.

2. How do I determine the appropriate salary when converting contractor to employee?

Determining contractor to full-time salary conversion involves multiple factors such as industry standards, the employee's skill set, and the value they bring to the company. Employers should conduct market research and consult HR professionals to establish a competitive and fair compensation package.

3. What paperwork is required for this transition?

The transition from contractor to full-time employee requires several forms and documents. These include an updated employment contract, tax withholding forms like W-4 or W-9, and registration for benefits. Maintaining a checklist and ensuring all paperwork is completed to avoid legal complications is crucial.

4. How do I communicate this change to the independent contractor?

Communication is key in this transition. Employers should have a formal meeting with the contractor to discuss the change, followed by an official offer letter outlining the new terms of employment. Transparency and open dialogue can help make the transition smooth for both parties.

5. Will this change affect team dynamics and workflow?

The transition could impact team dynamics and workflow, especially if the contractor has been working on specialized or isolated projects. Employers should plan for an integration phase, which may include team-building activities and adjustments to project timelines.

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