Leave Policy in Vietnam

Shraddha Saxena
Explore the extensive leave policies and holiday guidelines in Vietnam with Gloroots.

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Explore Vietnam's comprehensive leave policy, which includes paid time off, public holidays, and special leave entitlements. Managing leave policy in Vietnam requires adherence to local labor laws and tax regulations. Gloroots, acting as an employer of record, ensures efficient management of employee leave, optimizing workforce productivity and compliance with local regulations. 

By partnering with Gloroots, companies can hire employees in Vietnam seamlessly, ensuring that all aspects of leave management are handled professionally and in accordance with local laws.

Annual Leave (Vacation)

  • Employees in Vietnam are entitled to a minimum of 12 working days of annual leave each year.
  • This entitlement increases by one additional day for every five years of continuous service.

Public Holidays

  • 1 Jan 2024 (Monday): New Year's Day
  • 8 Feb 2024 (Thursday): Tet Holiday
  • 9 Feb 2024 (Friday): Tet Holiday
  • 12 Feb 2024 (Monday): Tet Holiday
  • 13 Feb 2024 (Tuesday): Tet Holiday
  • 14 Feb 2024 (Wednesday): Tet Holiday
  • 18 Apr 2024 (Thursday): Hung Kings Commemoration Day
  • 30 Apr 2024 (Tuesday): Reunification Day
  • 1 May 2024 (Wednesday): Labor Day
  • 2 Sep 2024 (Monday): National Day
  • 3 Sep 2024 (Tuesday): National Day (Tentative)

Sick Days

Vietnamese employees who are certified sick by a doctor are entitled to sick leave paid by the Social Insurance Authority, amounting to 75% of their previous month's salary. This entitlement varies based on the duration of contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. Employees with less than 15 years of contributions receive 30 days of sick leave per year. Those who have contributed between 15 to 30 years are eligible for 40 days per year, and employees with over 30 years of contributions receive 60 days per year.

For employees requiring long-term treatment due to specific illnesses listed by the Ministry of Health, the entitlement extends to 180 days per year. If treatment continues beyond these 180 days, the employee remains eligible for paid sick leave but at a reduced rate of 45% to 65% of their salary. This ensures that employees undergoing extensive medical treatments continue to receive financial support.

Employees must provide a medical certificate within 48 hours of the first day of illness to qualify for sick leave benefits. This requirement ensures that the Social Insurance Authority can promptly process and verify claims, maintaining the integrity of the system and ensuring that only eligible employees receive the benefits.

For expatriate employees, sick leave entitlements are determined by an agreement between the employer and the worker. This flexibility allows for tailored arrangements that consider the specific needs and circumstances of expatriate staff, fostering a supportive work environment for all employees.

Maternity Leave

In Vietnam, female employees are entitled to six months of maternity leave. This can include up to two months of leave before the birth and the rest after. For multiple births, an additional month of leave is provided to help the mother manage the extra demands.

Vietnamese nationals on maternity leave receive payments from the Social Insurance Authority. This is calculated at 100% of their average monthly salary over the six months before their leave, with a cap at 20 times the minimum common salary. For expatriate employees, the payment for maternity leave is determined through an agreement between the employer and the employee, allowing for flexibility based on individual circumstances.

To start maternity leave, employees need to submit their application to the employer at least 15 days before the expected due date. This advance notice helps ensure all necessary arrangements are made smoothly, allowing for an easy transition into maternity leave.

After giving birth, the mother needs to complete some additional steps to receive Social Insurance subsidies. Within 30 days of the delivery, she must submit hospital discharge papers, the newborn's birth certificate, and an application for maternal subsidies. This ensures she gets the financial support she is entitled to during her maternity leave.


Nguyen, a Vietnamese national, is expecting her first child. She submits her maternity leave application to her employer 15 days before her due date, planning to take one month of prenatal leave and five months of postnatal leave. After giving birth, Nguyen provides the required hospital discharge papers, her baby's birth certificate, and the application for maternal subsidies to the Social Insurance Authority within 30 days. She receives 100% of her average monthly salary, based on the six months before her leave, ensuring financial stability during her maternity period.

Paternity Leave

New fathers in Vietnam are entitled to specific paternity leave depending on the circumstances of the birth. For a natural birth, fathers can take 5 days off. If the birth is by cesarean section, they are entitled to 7 days. 

In the case of twins born naturally, fathers receive 10 days of leave, and this extends to 14 days if the twins are born via cesarean section. For births involving more than two children at one time, fathers are granted an additional 3 days of leave for each additional child beyond the second.

Vietnamese nationals receive paternity leave payments from the Social Insurance Authority, calculated at 100% of their salary from the month before the paternity leave starts. For expatriate employees, the payment terms for paternity leave are negotiated and agreed upon between the employer and the employee, providing flexibility to accommodate individual circumstances.

Parental Leave

In Vietnam, employees are entitled to parental leave for childcare. This allows them to take up to 20 working days of leave per year until their child reaches the age of 3. After the child turns 3, employees can take up to 15 working days of leave per year until the child reaches the age of 7.

Vietnamese nationals receive payment for this parental leave from the Social Insurance Authority at a rate of 75% of their salary from the month preceding the start of the leave. This system helps parents manage their childcare responsibilities while ensuring some financial stability during their time off.

Other Leave 

Depending on their contract, employees in Vietnam may be granted additional types of leave, subject to approval between the employer and employee. For bereavement, employees are entitled to 3 days of paid leave for the death of a spouse, biological or adoptive parent, spouse’s parent, or biological or adopted child. Additionally, they can take 1 day of unpaid leave for the death of a grandparent or biological sibling.

Regarding marriage, employees are entitled to up to 3 days of leave for their own wedding and 1 day for the marriage of their child. Furthermore, employees can take 1 day of unpaid leave for the marriage of a parent or sibling. These additional leave types help employees manage important life events while maintaining a balance between personal and professional responsibilities.

Hassle-Free Leave Policy Management in Vietnam with Gloroots

Managing employee leave can be a daunting task, especially as your business expands globally. Here at Gloroots, we understand the challenges involved in navigating leave policies, particularly in the context of Vietnam's labor laws. Our platform is designed to ensure compliance, maintain accurate records, streamline leave requests, and generate insightful reports. By partnering with Gloroots, you can focus on business growth while we handle the intricacies of managing employee leave effectively. Reach out to us to explore how Gloroots can simplify your HR operations and enhance efficiency in Vietnam.

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