How PriceLabs saved 250 person-hours with Gloroots?

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Chicago, United States
Company size
Founding year
On Gloroots since
February, 2022
Hours saved per week
5 to 80
Employees hired, scaling PriceLabs’ Indian team
Compliance with Indian taxation & hiring norms
“Our business grew exponentially over the past few months. We needed to scale our team rapidly to support this growth. But we didn’t have the knowhow of hiring in India.”
-Richie Khandelwal, Co-founder


PriceLabs helps hospitality businesses from across the world optimize their rental rates with its dynamic pricing tools, analytics, and its insights dashboard. When they approached Gloroots, they held a strong foothold in the North American market. But their eyes were set on international expansion from Europe all the way to Australia. 


PriceLabs, is a dynamic pricing tool provider for hospitality businesses. When PriceLabs’ founders met Gloroots, they were going through a growth spurt. They needed to hire quality talent, fast to sustain this growth. Moreover, as a partner to global hospitality businesses, they too needed global operations. Because this way they could support multiple countries. Crucially, they needed to retain control on talent selection to avoid culture dilution. 

But actively interviewing candidates, onboarding them, managing administrative work all while staying compliant with Indian taxation and hiring norms would have been impossible for their then small Indian team.

”It’s been fantastic to work with Gloroots. They got setup really fast. As a startup, it was important our EOR partner really understood our challenges, timelines and needs. Gloroots has done just that. Our employees have found them very accessible. Moreover, they also helped us avoid some regulation challenges.”
-Richie Khandelwal, Co-founder


PriceLabs chose Gloroots to fully manage their employee lifecycle from onboarding to exit. This even involved visa applications for frequent travellers. Gloroots also filed compliance paperwork and payments. They chose Gloroots over Deel for prompt employee support, transparency around payouts and knowledge of the Indian talent market.


Accelerated Growth and Time Savings

PriceLabs' decision to partner with Gloroots proved fruitful. Richie and Anurag could focus on finding the right talent since Gloroots handled the rest.

PriceLabs’ Indian team grew from 5 to 80 employees within 1.5 years. All team-members’ efforts ,from engineering and product to recruitment, have been focused on building the product. Not on administrative duties. Gloroots saves priceLabs a minimum of 250 hours per week.   

Gloroots' streamlined processes saved PriceLabs nearly 250 person-hours monthly.  

Transparency for peace of mind

Gloroots' transparency was paramount in ensuring compliance and peace of mind for PriceLabs. Detailed payroll reports provided clarity on every dollar spent.

“Seeing Gloroots’ highly detailed invoice breakdowns, payroll reports gave us complete assurance that we were fully compliant.”
-Richie Khandelwal, Co-founder

Ready to take your hiring global? Let’s talk. Our experts have got you covered. 

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